JUMP Coaching Connection

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“JUMP Coaching Connection” is our proprietary coaching mobile platform leveraging technology to bring enterprise coaching to organizations. Mobile coaching brings the benefits of executive/performance coaching to an entire organization without the traditional costs of executive coaching. The platform can be leveraged for individuals, teams, leadership development programs, or any other strategic organizational initiatives. Studies have shown that companies that provide professional growth have increased engagement and thus will thrive internally and externally.

We also supplement our mobile coaching platform with the following services:

Executive Coaching

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One-on-one executive coaching services enable leaders to gain an outside perspective so they can create meaningful changes in their lives and their organizations. This is done with a focus on maximizing business performance, improving leadership skills and increasing engagement levels.  Executive coaching allows individuals and teams to grow professionally while being aligned to the goals of their organization.


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Throughout the year we offer various workshops and seminars to assist you and your staff to take advantage of unique learning opportunities.  We can design internal custom workshops or collaborate to create custom training curriculum to meet the needs of your organization. 

If needed we can also provide facilitation services to supplement your internal training requirements.